CEED -Common Entrance Examination for Design

CEED (Common Entrance Examination for Design) is an all India examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT, Bombay), on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Education, Government of India.

The examination tests the candidates for visual perception ability, drawing skills, design aptitude and communication skills.

CEED is a qualifying examination for admission to Post Graduate M.Des. programmes at the Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay; IDDC, IIT Delhi; CPMD, IISc Bangalore; design Programme, IIT Kanpur.

In addition to CEED, candidates also have to fulfill other requirements such as tests & interviews of the respective institutions for admission.

Common Entrance ExamINATION For Design (CEED)

CEED is an all India examination conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT, Bombay), on behalf of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Department of Education, Government of India.

The examination tests the candidates for visual perception ability, drawing skills, design aptitude and communication skills.
CEED is a qualifying examination for admission to Post Graduate M.Des. programmes at the Industrial Design Centre, IIT Bombay, IDDC, IIT Delhi, CPMD, IISc Bangalore & Design Programme Department, IIT Kanpur.


The duration of the CEED exam is three hours consisting of two parts.

Visual Perception and Creative Ability Test to judge Visual sensitivity and imagination.

- Written Communication
- Ability to express precisely one's thoughts on a given topic.
- Ability to comprehend a given passage in English and summarize it

Development of new product/ visual concepts and creative ideas based on analytical observation of problems from daily life situations. Choice of product concepts suitable for small and large scale production. Generation of solution in a given material and process such as sheet metal work wood fabrication, plastic moulding, wire fabrication, etc. or representations of visual concepts into visual symbols and form, aided with drawings and illustrations. Drawings based on your analysis.

Imagination of objects, people and places from our immediate or distant environments.

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